Honk Honk! Peep Peep! Hiss Hiss! Introducing the king of the most disruptive fabrics, and prints with the most personality – Mr Patrick Morrison aka Furious Goose. Patrick is a trained painter and printmaker, an experienced graphic designer, illustrator and brand consultant, and wait for it… He’s a full blown pro at etching and linocut… Read more »
After admiring all of the hand painted signs of India we recently discovered a site that is working to preserve the art of Indian street painters. Many sign writers and street painters are rapidly going out of business with the development of desktop prints. Hand Painted Type works to collect the original font sets of… Read more »
Sam Chirnside is another Australian-based art director riding graphic design’s latest wave of illusory optics and digital collage, inspired by 60s psychedelic art, nature and occult symbolism.