Monthly Archives: January 2017

Tribe Quest

We’ve written about Jimmy Nelson before, the photographer who has dedicated his career to documenting the world’s indigenous tribes, who in today’s modern world are a rarity at risk of extinction. This week, new and archive images go on display at Brussels’ La Photographie Galerie. Read more about the tribes pictured here:

Abiquiu, New Mexico

The Abiquiu home and studio is a 5,000 square foot Spanish Colonial-era compound that was in total ruin when prolific American modernist artist Georgia O’Keeffe found it. She bought the property in 1945 and for the next four years supervised its restoration. She loved the old gardens as well as the famous Black Door. She said,… Read more »

Bright Resolutions

Jonathan Chapline is an oil painter and digital artist living in Brooklyn. His paintings have a surreal quality to them with an enormous sense of depth considering the minimal colour palette he adopts working with light and composition with an illusory effect.

Las Pozas

Edward James was an eccentric English poet born to extreme wealth and privilege. Edward grew to love surrealist art and became a patron of famed artists Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, and others. An aspiring artist himself, James moved to Mexico to create Las Pozas (“The Pools”), a fantasy world of his own where he could… Read more »