
LeSiit, New York, April 2011; image by Billy Kidd

LeSitt is a warrior of the Samburu tribe of West Kenya; he has killed 2 men and 6 lions. In April 2011 LeSiit travelled to New York with the other elders of his tribe as a part of the Thorn Tree Project. It was the first time the warriors had left their community. At home they drink mixtures of cow’s milk and blood, but in New York they expanded their culinary horizons sampling Coney Island hotdogs and french fries. They prefer blood shakes.

The Thorn Tree Project is an initiative set up by Jane Newman, and ex-advertising New York native. Newman met the Samburu tribe when her car broke down in their village. She retired and returned to stay with them for a month with a plan to help set up initiatives for children to be educated within the village. Children are now able to stay with their tribe, learning maths, reading and writing from a blackboard under a thorn tree.

LeSiit, New York, April 2011

LeSitt, New York, April, 2011

LeSiit trying ice-cream for the first time.

This is Lekarato showing his scars. When the Samburu come of age, they must cut themselves to show they are not cowards.

LeSiit wearing his new sunglasses visiting Coney Island. He is eating hotdogs and french fries for the first time.

*All images by Billy Kidd


Author: K