Monthly Archives: March 2017

Behind The Wooden Mask

Paul Lewin is a painter, born in Kingston, Jamaica in 1973. He moved to the U.S. with my family in 1977 . From a very young age Paul loved listening to his father’s stories of the old country in Jamaica. His father also taught him a lot about ancient societies, science, and history. His childhood home was… Read more »

Desert Rose

Chott el Djerid is the largest salt pan in the Sahara Desert, stretching 5,000 square kilometers (2,700 sq. miles). Largely lifeless, the desert is dotted with lakes and rivers tinged with iron oxide, giving the salt a beautiful pink tint. More info here:

Navigation Charts

Lubaina Himid (b. 1954, Zanzibar, lives and works in Preston) works in painting, drawing, installation and printmaking. A member of the Black Arts Movement of the 1980s, her work is politically critical, tackling questions of race, gender and class. Her signature ‘cut-outs’ paintings are made on freestanding, shaped board allowing viewers to walk amongst them…. Read more »

La Fábrica

In 1973 Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill encountered an old cement factory. He bought it and turned it into surrealist masterpiece. Below is a snippet of his story: We found enormous silos, a tall smoke stack, four kilometres of underground tunnels, machine rooms in good shape… This was in 1973 and it was our first encounter with… Read more »