Monthly Archives: November 2015

Rainbow Lens

Cru Camara is a Manila-based photographer currently studying at SVA New York. She has a unique style exposing her subjects – nature, flowers, insects, leaves – with filters creating hyper-coloured otherworldly scenes that take on new detail. Some of her imagery is showered in a powerful neon light, whilst others are exposed to softer pastel… Read more »

Back Row

Phoebe Kim is a London-based knitwear designer graduated from Central Saint Martin’s Fashion BA this year. At the CSM Press Show Phoebe successfully showcased her beautifully weird eclectic coloured collection of walking collages entitled ‘Fannying around at the back of Church’. Angelic in appearance yet chaotically inspired Phoebe presented her collection as an LVMH Scholar having… Read more »


Now showing at the Huss Gallery in London Marcus James is showing his Landscape 2015 exhibition of drawings. He has imposed a system of rhythmic, stylistic marks to articulate space in landscape. Meticulous crossing hatching style forms the rocky facades and crevasses of his scenes further brought to life with colour and texture.   

Sink or Swim

Phillip Harrell is a Texan painter who makes every moment count with beautiful colour splashes. Of his work he says: Every moment in these paintings counts; there is no turning back other than hiding. The resultant images single out references: small moments in daily life, idioms, pop culture. Aspects of the mundane separate from the… Read more »


Milton Avery is an American modern painter with an eye for colour. We spotted his work on one of our favourite blogs AnyoneGirl. As Art critic Hilton Kramer said: “He was, without question, our greatest colourist…. Among his European contemporaries, only Matisse—to whose art he owed much, of course—produced a greater achievement in this respect.”