Monthly Archives: December 2014

Map of the Moon

We spotted these glorious moon maps on blog favourite But Does It Float. The good news is, this is only a small selection, there are so many more so dive in: While we’d love to learn how to read them, for now we may have to settle on admiring their pretty colours. Not a bad consolation!… Read more »

Soft Smoke

It’s amazing the way that qualities like texture and motion, that in theory are physical properties, can translate in imagery. Kim Keever creates these beautiful images by dropping paint pigment into a tank of water, watching the different colours interact and converge. The images portray a sense of lightness, so much so they could mistaken for smoke. They’re almost peaceful… Read more »


Working with colour and light artist Erin O’Conor investigates the interaction of these elements within space in her photography series ‘Empty’.  In order to explore these relationships, the artist built a plywood box that she painted and repainted, using a limited palette of simple colors, altering their sequence in the box, while making a photographic record of each… Read more »