Monthly Archives: September 2011


LeSitt is a warrior of the Samburu tribe of West Kenya; he has killed 2 men and 6 lions. In April 2011 LeSiit travelled to New York with the other elders of his tribe as a part of the Thorn Tree Project. It was the first time the warriors had left their community. At home… Read more »

Papillons Et Insectes

Eugene Alain Seguy was a Parisian illustrator who produced eleven albums of botanicals and inspired patterns and prints between 1900 and the early 1930s. His books were created using the ancient Chinese, French-perfected technique of ‘pochoir’, a colouring process using stenciling that became popular during the Art Deco period. The portfolios are thought to have… Read more »


NY-based fashion label Suno continues their print odyssey for Resort 2012, with a mix of juicy hawaiian, murex rose, muted plaid, bronze silks and more! The label was established in 2008, using designer and founder Max Osterweis’ collection of vintage Kenyan textiles, in an effort to to help a fledgling Kenyan economy, a second home… Read more »